Saturday, March 10, 2018

Nourishing Like Rain

Photo by Sarah Diniz Outeiro

To rest in the moment is nourishing like rain. It awakens us as rain awakens the earth. In that moment all matter of healing can take place.

This afternoon the rain is gently falling outside my window. I bring my awareness into the moment and find peace. The earth accepts the water. I accept the Presence. The grass sprouts and the beingness in me blooms.

The last rain turned the dirt front yard into a green lawn in just a day or two. The miracle of water. The power of the Presence. In the past few days, so much has shifted within me. I am the greening of Spirit, rising out of the dry earth. In the stillness, everything.

As darkness falls I can’t see the rain, but I hear it. Its presence reminds me I am always nourished. I rest in the moment. Peace can find me now. All is well.

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